We have a main line break on East River Rd. Customers from 518 East River Rd to Mullins rd will be without water until repairs can be made. 

Boil Advisory Lifted

Boil advisories for Peniel Rd and East River Rd have been lifted!

Main line break

FIber Optic crew got into the water line again on East River Rd. Crew is headed to assess the damage and begin repairs. We apologize for any inconvience. 

Main line leak

The crew laying the fiber obtics have gotten into the water lines again! We apologize for any inconvience this has caused. Our crew is headed to the site now to start repairs

Main line leak

The crew putting in fiber optics on Peniel Loop Rd busted a main water line. Our crew just located the leak and are in the process of making repairs. Once repairs are complete all customers without water will be under a boil advisory

Boil Advisory Lifted

The boil advisory for East River Rd. Daniels Rd and Mullins Rd has been lifted.

Water Main Break

Our crew is making a repair to a main line break on East River Rd. Customers from 457 East River Rd to NesSmith Rd will be without water till repairs are complete. Once repairs are made the customers that lost water will be under a boil advisory until further notice.

Boil Advisory Lifted

Boil advisory for Melder Rd has been lifted.

Main line break

Maintenance is repairing a leak on Melder Rd. Customers from Sunset Rd to the trailer park will be without water until repairs are complete. Once water is restored, customers that lost water will be under a boil advisory until further notice.

Office number 3186593156

Between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm, if you require assistance with anything pertaining to your water bill or account information, please call the office to speak to one of us at 318-659-3156. Our after hours/ maintenance number is only for water emergencies such as leaks.